Sunday, October 13, 2013

One Never Knows......

One never knows what a day will bring.  Last Thursday morning started out like any other morning.  Up at 5 a.m. and Tom gets ready for work and I mix up some goodies for his lunch.  He makes his coffee and is out the door by 5:30 a.m.  Then, the morning takes a little bit of a turn......I went outside to turn the chicken lights on - Tom usually does this.  I took my time giving the birds a little wake up call and the roosters began crowing.  Then I went over to the goats and made sure they had hay for the day.  I watered Simba, my bunny and played with the dogs. As I walked towards the house I heard the house phone ring which made me realize I left my cell phone in the house.  I figured this was Tom calling to let me know something that he forgot to tell me.  Well, his voice sounded different and he asked, "Can you come get me?"  Oh, boy. Something is wrong!  I asked what happened and he said, "The car is in the ditch."  So, I go to my car, in my pajamas and Lucy is so determined to go with me.  She hops in the back and I start driving down the road.  I meet up with Tom and we headed south to where the car was.  He was heading south to go to work, but the car was heading north in the opposite road ditch.  He said the steering wasn't working very well and after he had stopped at a stop sign and began picking up speed and trying to figure out what could be wrong, the front driver's wheel turned cross-wise because the lower A-frame came off.  This was the cause of his ending up in the opposite road ditch.  There was also some body damage and the rear passenger tire was flat.  The radiator is leaking too. So thankful this didn't happen while he was driving down the highway at 60 mph! 

The car has been towed to our house and the insurance adjuster will come evaluate the damage the first part of the week.  We are fortunate to have three vehicles so Tom will be driving my car and I will be driving the pickup. 

This poor Chevy Malibu has been through just about everything!  Damages from hitting a fox, a raccoon, a deer, a pheasant shattered the windshield, and the transmission went out this summer in Bridgeport, NE on our way home from the Black Hills.  We just put 4 new tires on it 2 months ago!

Will keep you posted on the outcome of this Malibu.....Please put safety first while driving!  Buckle your seat belts, know how your car handles so you can detect when something is wrong, give 100% of your attention to driving and anticipate others actions.  This time of year be especially kind to farmers and their equipment.  Allow plenty of time to get where you are going! 

Have a safe and happy week!  Enjoy this beautiful fall!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A loose screw???

Most of us are not fond of going to the dentist.  There are needles, drills, mirrors, mouth power washers, picks, polishers, clamps, pullers, and who knows what else, that are used to clean and repair teeth.  I wasn't blessed with quality teeth so have spent many hours in a dental chair since a child.  A few weeks ago I went for my 6 month check up and found out I had a chipped tooth that needed to be "fixed".  Not what I wanted to hear!  However, better than hearing, "you need a root canal"!  After this appt. I went to my periodontist for an annual checkup.  I just knew this appt. would be a piece of cake!  I had two implants placed 18 months ago and haven't had any problems.  Or, so I thought.  This examination revealed that I had a "loose screw" in one of the implants!  One would think this was bad news but, I was so excited because now I have a good reason for all the silly, crazy things I have been doing! - at least in Tom's point of view!  Lucky for me, this is an easy fix. :-)  Follow up appts. were made and today was the day.

My first stop was to have the chipped tooth repaired.  It was an upper tooth and from my previous experiences, they are the least debilitating as far as numbing goes.  Once I get past the needle used to numb the area I am usually okay.  The drilling, rinsing, packing, and polishing usually go smoothly.  I finished just before noon and was told I could have lunch!  Yippee!!! Just be careful to not bite into my upper lip!  I thought I could handle this without a problem.  So, the highlight of my day was meeting our daughter, Jenny, and granddaughter, Lauren, at Lauren's daycare.  Lauren was dressed in her Hello Kitty attire and was so cute!  Then, Jenny and I went to lunch at Grisanti's!  I stayed with the soft pasta manicotti and tomato tortellini soup! Heaven!  This was over all too soon and Jenny went to her class (she is working on her Master's in Nursing), and I went to my periodontal appt. to fix my loose screw.  No needles were needed for this and after some drilling, cleaning, and tightening a screw, the crown was reapplied and I was out the door.  As happy as I was to get all this accomplished in one day, I know I have a dilemma!  What excuse do I have for all the silly, crazy things I do??  Okay!  We will not go there!  At least not for the next 20-30 years - okay?  I am going to enjoy life and be thankful for all the good family and friends I have to share it with!

Have a great day everyone!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all !!

What a beautiful day!  Windy, but sunny and gorgeous! Fall is my favorite time of year.  The hot, humid, sticky days have passed.  The night air is cool, crisp, and fresh.  The sunsets are colorful and the stars shine brightly. 

I love decorating with pumpkins, gourds, cornstalks, fall flowers, ghosts, goblins, scarecrows, turkeys, and pilgrims. Seems this season never lasts long enough.  Our animals love the cooler weather too.  They frolick in the pens and our dogs love to play tug of war with each other.  We have to extend the daylight hours in our chicken house to keep the chickens laying eggs daily.  We don't want them slacking off this time of year!  Farm fresh eggs are the best!

I have been spending time in my sewing room which is located upstairs.  It is usually too warm to work up there much in the summer so love it when I can get back to my projects. Working on some now and will post pictures at a later date.  This Friday and Saturday is Threads Across Nebraska in Kearney and I am planning to be there.  Quilts will be displayed and vendors will be there from across the state selling all kinds of goodies. I haven't attended this function before and am looking forward to it.

The sun has set for today and Tom is out mowing.  Probably won't have to do that to many more times this year!

Sweet dreams and blessings to you all!
