Monday, October 20, 2014

Happy Fall Y'all!

Time for pumpkins, scarecrows, ghosts and goblins, beautiful tree leaves, and harvest.  Warm days, cool nights.  Everything is getting ready for that first snowfall.....except me of course!  I am trying to enjoy every minute of this fall season because it sure doesn't seem to last very long at all! 
Corn fields around us are being harvested causing all kinds of dust stirrings.  Sure isn't good for all of us allergy sufferers.  The deer are beginning to roam and soon the coyotes will be howling at night.  I feel sorry for the wild animals that make the farmlands there home during the summer.  With the number of shelter belts removed from farmlands, there isn't nearly as many places for the wild to live during the winter. 
We have a family of kittens living with us right now. Tiki, the mama, is taking great care of them.  There are five; three gray females, one buff yellow male and one orange male.  The orange one is quite a bit smaller than the others and he has a deformed front leg.  He can walk, but is slower than the others and he does fall because of it.  I'm sure he will learn to adapt with it but am sorry that happened to him. All of them are walking around and beginning to get into some mischief.  I am looking for homes so if any of you would like to provide a home for one - or more - please let me know!  I hate to say it but Christmas is right around the corner!  Great stocking-stuffers!  :-)
Tom and I are thankful for the great cardiologists at BryanLGH in Lincoln!  He was having some problems in September and a 95% blockage was noted in the diagonal branch off the LAD (left anterior descending) artery.  A stent was placed and he is doing very well!  Our daughter, Jenny, is an RN and works in the Cardiac - Vascular services at BryanLGH and she stayed with us through the procedure and made sure all was well.  So thankful to have someone so caring, efficient, and available for us - and proud to claim her as our daughter! 
Have a great evening and enjoy this fantastic weather!