Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weaning Kids!

I'm discovering that weaning goat kids is much like weaning human kids. It's the Mama's that are most affected! When our two children were weaned I always felt like - "they don't need me as much". "They're growing way too fast!" Yesterday, Tom built a separate fenced area for our 4 baby kid goats to live in while the Mama's milk can dry up in preparation for a fall breeding season. We separated them yesterday and this morning the babies are lounging around on the shelter (yes ON and not IN) and the Mama's are close to their fence calling out to them. Hopefully, this won't last too many hours......did I hear someone say days???! At least our house is closed up and the air conditioning is on so isn't bothering us too much. And if you are neighbors to us, well, you better close up your house and run the air conditioning - or take a vacation?? (Now why didn't I think of that?!!!) Hopefully, it won't take the Mama's too long to figure out that they will always be friends and live together as the babies grow to adulthood - at least while they live on the Fritz Hobby Farm. For 32 years Tom and I continue to realize that our children, and our grandchildren, are the best part of our lives and, no matter what, continue to need us as much as we need them!